The Social Scheduler helps you plan out your content over time. As you add content and specify dates, you’ll see it in your calendar view.
Currently Flaminjoy supports Instagram as a platform, images and videos as types of content. You cannot schedule Carousels or Stories. As Facebook opens up more of its permissions, we will add more content types.
- JPG and PNG files are supported for images.
- MP4 files are supported for videos.
- The resolution should be a maximum of 1.440 px on the longest edge.
- The file size should not exceed 8 MB.
There are 4 main tabs within Social Scheduler:
- Planner
- Scheduled
- Posted
- Draft
The Planner tab shows a calendar view of all your content (posted and scheduled). It’s set as a weekly view, starting on Monday.

The Scheduled tab shows each post as a separate row, letting you know what type of post it is (image or video), when it was created, when it was edited and when it was scheduled. Here you can preview the post, delete it or edit it – change its image or video, its caption, and its scheduled date and time.

The Posted tab shows all the posts that have been published to the Instagram account, using the Social Scheduler. You can preview the posts, each on its own row.

The Draft tab shows content that has failed to be published. The red question mark icon in the right side will show the failure reason when you hover over it.

See all of the Content support articles in their dedicated section.