This section shows you the most important metrics about Stories posted on your Instagram account. This helps you understand how they performed and how you can improve, based on the data provided.
At the top left you have 3 main metrics, shown as numbers:
- Total stories – The total amount of stories within your Instagram account based on the selected days interval (choose the date range interval from the top-right page filter).
- Images – The total amount of images within your stories based on the selected days interval (choose the date range interval from the top-right page filter).
- Videos – The total amount of videos within your stories based on the selected days interval (choose the date range interval from the top-right page filter).
There are 2 main sections:
- Overview
- Content
The Overview section is composed of the following areas:
- Overview – Data related to the latest Stories, Reach, Impressions and Story repartition, in terms of type (images vs videos).
- Instagram Stories Views – Data about the Completition rate, Replies and Exits vs Completition rate (image and video).

The Overview area:
- Latest stories – The most recent stories posted, saved in our platform. You can view the stories themselves and their associated stats, even after they’ve disappeared from Instagram – we save all of them inside of Flaminjoy.
- Stories history – The total number of stories posted on this account by day (based on your date range selection).
- Impressions – Total number of times this account’s stories have been viewed based on the selected days interval (choose the date range interval from the top-right page filter; the percentage indicates the current value compared with the equal period of time in the past).
- Average impressions – The average number of times this account’s stories have been viewed based on the selected days interval (choose the date range interval from the top-right page filter; the percentage indicates the current value compared with the equal period of time in the past).
- Reach – Total number of times this account’s stories have been uniquely viewed based on the selected days interval (choose the date range interval from the top-right page filter; the percentage indicates the current value compared with the equal period of time in the past).
- Average reach – The average number of times this account’s stories have been uniquely viewed based on the selected days interval (choose the date range interval from the top-right page filter; the percentage indicates the current value compared with the equal period of time in the past).
- Average impressions evolution – The average number of times the posted stories have been viewed by day (based on your date range selection).
- Average reach evolution – Total number of times the posted stories have been uniquely viewed by day (based on your date range selection).
- Average reach and impressions by every type – The repartition of post’s reach and impressions by story types (based on your date range selection).
- Stories repartition – The total number of images and videos of the posted stories (based on your date range selection).
The Instagram Stories Views area:
- Average completion rate – The percentage you get by dividing the number of people who saw your last Story by the number of people who viewed your first Story and multiply that number by 100 based on the selected days interval (choose the date range interval from the top-right page filter; the percentage indicates the current value compared with the equal period of time in the past).
- Total replies – The number of replies to a particular image or video in your stories based on the selected days interval (choose the date range interval from the top-right page filter; the percentage indicates the current value compared with the equal period of time in the past).
- Average replies – The average number of replies to a particular image or video in your stories divided by the total number of stories posted based on the selected days interval (choose the date range interval from the top-right page filter; the percentage indicates the current value compared with the equal period of time in the past).
- Exists & completion rate (image) – The percentages of exists & completion rate by story type image (based on your date range selection).
- Exits & completion rate (video) – The percentages of exists & completion rate by story type video (based on your date range selection).
See all of the Analytics support articles in their dedicated section.