Your ecommerce website is not a separate entity from Flaminjoy. Using the built-in Product Feed integration you can add your product data from your website to the platform.
This helps you easily access ecommerce data – product name, price, sale price, description, etc. – in the Boards sub-section of Content and in the Creative Generator. Let’s have a look at each one separately.

How to add a Product Feed into Flaminjoy:
- Click on the Content section, then go to Automation.
- You will see a list of existing Product Feeds, if any have been added until now. Click on the “New Feed” button at the top right of the screen.
- What you need to do now is provide a standard Product Feed – preferably formatted in the Google Merchant Center and Facebook Commerce. Then click on the “Create Feed” button.
- The new screen asks you to give the feed a name and make field assignments. Since Product Feeds have column names as “id”, “description”, or “link”, you need to match them to Flaminjoy’s column names, such as Product Title, Price, Special Price, etc.
- Certain columns are mandatory – Product Title, Product Link, Product Image, Description, Product Code, Price, Currency, Currency position. You can see these as marked with red asterisk (*). Set these first, then figure out if your Product Feed has other column options or if they’re important to you. For example, “Condition” might not be relevant to an ecommerce where all products are brand new. But for a shop that sells both new and pre-owned products, it’s a valuable column to assign.
- It’s a good idea to leave the last option checked (Automatically update feed). Unless you have a good reason to uncheck it for your ecommerce website, leave this option as is. Data from the Product Feed is checked and updated (if anything is different) 2 times a day.
- Click the “Create Feed” button when you’re done matching your desired fields.
Congratulations! You’ve just added your first Product Feed inside of the platform. You can now use it to easily pin products and generate creatives.

How to view, edit and delete a Product Feed in Flaminjoy:
- In the main Automation sub-section of Content, you see all your Product Feeds, with details such as: number of products, when it was created, when it was last updated and if autoupdate is active.
- To view a Product Feed, click on its name. This will take you to a new screen, showing you an organized view of all the products, with associated name, product code (SKU), price and availability. Clicking on each product name will take you out from the platform and open a new browser tab with the product URL.
- There are 2 buttons available next to each Product Feed: Edit and Delete. Click Edit to see the same screen you had when you added the Product Feed. You can change anything, except the Product Feed URL.
- If you need to add a new feed or replace the Product Feed URL, go back to the Automation screen and create a new feed from scratch.
- To delete a feed, click the Delete button on the right side of Product Feed.
This breaks the associated link between a Board and a Product Feed, which no longer allows you to pin products onto pieces of content. Your existing pinned content pieces keep their existing links.
How to use a Product Feed to pin products in Boards:
- You can either create a new Board from scratch and select the Product Feed from the “Select board feeds” dropdown or create a new Board and add it in the same way.
- Once the Board and the Product Feed are linked, you can go into a specific Board and click on a piece of content you want to attach a product to.
- Click on the piece of content and use the “Search product feed” field at the top right to find a product you’re after.
- Once you’ve found it, click on it. This will create a new Pin with that Product Name, Product URL and the Call To Action text you’ve set at the Board level. Here you can change the Product Name and Call To Action text for this specific Pin.
- Once you add the product to the piece of content, you can move the Pin around wherever you want.
You’ve now added your first Pin using the Product Feed. You’re not limited to any number of Pins, so feel free to add some more!

Adding a product to a piece of content does NOT make it visible. You need to click the “Make this media visible” checkbox and save changes for the process to be complete.
The Product Feed usage in Creative Generator is explored in detail in its own support article.
See all of the Content support articles in their dedicated section.